Privacy Notice


Event Merchandising Limited is based at Unit 11, The Edge, Humber Road, London, NW2 6EW.  The website is operated and controlled under licence by Event Merchandising Limited on behalf of the company.  Customers can  contact Event Merchandising via email, or via telephone, +44(0)20 8208 1166.  We may process “personal data” (as defined in UK data protection legislation) as part of our contracted services, internal processes and for administration.    All data are collated, processed and held in the United Kingdom and therefore all compliance is governed by the UK Data Protection legislation, including UK GDPR.  Information is kept while it remains relevant to the reason for collection and/or if there is a statutory retention period.  All feasible security measures are in place, whether the data are processed electronically or on paper.  

Data may be shared with third parties as part of the contracted services, for administrative purposes and/or if we are required by law to do so. We cannot accept any liability for any processing conducted by any third party outside our remit.  

As required by law, a cookie audit has been conducted on our website.  Cookies are internet files utilised by websites. Facebook may place cookies on your system via our website – we have no control over the use of the collated data. Our site may place cookies on your system for functionality of the store, your privacy settings and for secure online payments. The website is built on “Shopify” platform, which may place “advertising/marketing” cookies on your system to make further purchase suggestions.  You are at liberty to prevent these cookies, but it may impact on your use of the website.      

None of the above affects your rights under the legislation, in particular your right to access the data we may hold on you.  If you wish to request a copy of your data, please submit it in writing/email to the Company – email as detailed above. Please include enough information to enable us to identify you and search for appropriate data.  

If you are dissatisfied with this policy, have queries about our data protection procedures or wish to lodge a complaint, please contact the Company in the first instance.  Thereafter you have the right to submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF